what does the Synchronization at the SQL Server Option?
I can create a user at the SQL Database with the Enterprisemanager
and log in without to start the Synchronization.
So what is the purpose of this feature and what does it exactly?
1) It depend on which version of navision you are using. 3.60 and 3.70 did synchronization automatically in some cases. Since 4.00 you need to run it manually (the process is much longer than in previous versions).
2) Synchronization do this (that are my experineces, not official "what it is doing"):
a) Drop all permissions assigned on users which are not in Navision User table and are not Admin or DB_Owner.
b) Create Shadow application role for each user and assign the permissions based on roles
Of course, since SP1 you can run the sync. process for selected user only.
2) Synchronization do this (that are my experineces, not official "what it is doing"):
a) Drop all permissions assigned on users which are not in Navision User table and are not Admin or DB_Owner.
b) Create Shadow application role for each user and assign the permissions based on roles
Of course, since SP1 you can run the sync. process for selected user only.
MVP - Dynamics NAV