fonts in Navision

Zoltan_KarpatiZoltan_Karpati Member Posts: 26

I have a very simple question: which fonts can be used in Navison and which fonts can't? And why?
I have many fonts installed on my Windows XP, I can use each one in Word or Excel, but when I try to use them in a navision report, I have to realize that one part of them is unusable: Navision neighter shows them in Report Designer, nor prints them. What is the reason behind this?



  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Not sure if this is the answer, but it seems logical.

    you are changing the font on a report, the report actually exist on the server, not your local machine, so the fonts must be available on the server. If you change a font and it is not available on the server, then the next person who ran the report would get unexpected results.

    I have used a bar code font for a few reports, and to use it I installed it on the server and when I changed the reports, I typed the name in manually, it still was not on any list in Navision, but be entering it the report designer, it did print, as long as I had installed it on the server. without it on the server I got text code, instead of the barcode font.

    hope that makes since.
  • Zoltan_KarpatiZoltan_Karpati Member Posts: 26
    I don't think it a client-server problem, because the behaviour is the same in the local Cronus database.

  • Zoltan_KarpatiZoltan_Karpati Member Posts: 26
    I'd like to use different fonts in different parts of my report. The problem is that when I set the font property of a text box, some fonts work, some don't.

  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    What for kind of fonts these are :?: TTF (TrueType Font) FON or VGA fonts :?:

    Do you make it right, it works too!
  • Zoltan_KarpatiZoltan_Karpati Member Posts: 26
    TTFs, like e.g. Aberration, Air Conditioner, IDAutomationHC39, MRV Code39M.

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    edited 2006-01-16
    I had one problem with some barcode fonts. I solved them with change settings of codepages in the font. It seems, that some fonts are created only for English codepage, and we had problem with them if we are using for example Codepage 1250... For this change you need some font editor and check some settings there, but I forgot which one...

    It is problem which people using english windows environment are not able to realize... ;-) 8)

    Try to swith your windows language for non-unicode applications into english - I assume that it will be working... in this case, problem are the fonts...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    themave wrote:
    you are changing the font on a report, the report actually exist on the server, not your local machine, so the fonts must be available on the server. If you change a font and it is not available on the server, then the next person who ran the report would get unexpected results.

    The report is not existing on the server, client generate the report and is using the font only as Name for which is searching in font list. You need to have the font on your client. Of course, if you are running the Navision through terminal server or citrix, you need the font on the ts or citrix server.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Zoltan_KarpatiZoltan_Karpati Member Posts: 26
    It was because the font did not contain Codepage 1252. After modifying the font with a freeware font editor, it works well.

    Thx for your help
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