I wanted to create a link to a navision 3.7 database. the result was a link like:
[url=navision://client/run?database=path2DB]navision://client/run?database=path2DB[/url] company=comanyname target=FormID view=SORTING(Field1) position=Field1=0(76) servertype=NAVISION
But i have installed a newer 4.0 navision client, too. And the link starts the last installed 4.0 client instead of the 3.7 client.
How can i dirctly start the 3.7 client by this link?
Thanks, Marcel
But if you get this working! Inform me because I also want this to work...
So you need to change this path to your 3.70 finhlink.exe version, using regedit.
If you want to use these shortcuts both for 3.70 & 4.0, on the same computer, you'll need to write some script to:
1. Change the registry-key to the correct Navision version
2. Execute your link
A was affraid the answer was something like that.
You don;t happen to have some example of the script do you? O:)
No, I don't have an example right away. I leave this as an exercise for the experienced reader ;-)
In order to get this to work:
1. Replace "d:\appl\MBS-NavisionW170A\finhlink.exe" with the correct path to finhlink.exe
2. Replace "shortcut.url" with the name of your shortcut (created by Navision)
3. Save this code as runlink.vbs.
When you run the script runlink.vbs, the registry-key will be changed and the shortcut url started.
I think this i all i need to solve my problem.
Maybe i write a programm for an easier way to
change the registry.
Bye, Marcel