Executing VB6 from within Navision

McCoyMcCoy Member Posts: 39
Has anyone executed a VB6 program from within Navision? I need to send 3 fields from a Navision table to a VB program and have the VB run time show on the Navision screen - It should work like Excel or word but am unsure how to pass the fields - any ideas? [-o<


  • andreofandreof Member Posts: 133
    wy dont you create a DLL, register it, create a var automation to reference that library and use it inside Navision?
    Andre Fidalgo
    My world: Dynamics NAV,SQL and .NET

    CEO at Solving Dynamics
  • McCoyMcCoy Member Posts: 39
    Not sure how this is done - any references I can look at? Also does the old 'SHELL' command or a form of it exist for Navision? The Shell lets you run another EXE externally from the current process.
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261

    SHELL works fine, and it is that simple:

    SHELL(program.exe + '/commandline_parameter /parameter2');

    Just put the command line parameters in single quotes. This runs an exe in the current directory, if you want to change the directory just put the full path before the exe.

    Check the help, this is pretty straightfoward.

  • McCoyMcCoy Member Posts: 39
    Thanks - it worked just great.. I am so glad that this is available in Navision, I have used it in many other languages but am fairly new to Navision so this is great \:D/
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