Hi to everyone!
I think have a problem!
I have a database with 15 companys.
I want assign users to some menu per company, in the menusuite.
When i change the menusuite and assign only the menu "Purchase" to User A in the company A. When i change the company to the Company B, the user A only can see the menu "Purchase".
I want assign to the user in company A to see only the menu "Purchase", but in company B, he can access to every menu points.
I think it is possible, but i can do it, at the moment!
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
But I have no experineces with this and I am unable to say if there will be some problems or not!
MVP - Dynamics NAV
If you setup the userrights per company, the users only see the items they need in a company, the rest is hidden automaticaly.
How do you create a new menusuite?
Every time i change a menusuite, the change is saved on menusuite 90 - Company.
I create a menusuite 51 - "add-on1" only with point menu "Purchase"!
I create a role "test1" to company A, and the role "test2" to company B.
In test1 i give the permission to access the menusuite 90 and in test2 i give the permission to access the menusuiote 51.
In the two cases, the menusuite open is the 90.
Excuse me if i don't understand something!
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
Each layer adds something to the total menu.
If you add something in 51, it also shows in 90. The menusuite is a merged object.
Ara3ns suggestion does not work in my test system. Please explain how you do this.
You cannot deny a user permissions to a menusuite layer.
Please: do a test with assigning user-permissions and you will see this is the way to handle menusuites.
I think this should work so that if you don't have permission to one layer don't execute that layer.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
So it is not strange that permissions cannot handle it.
It is just the way it is.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
I the beginning I had some troubles with it, finding my way, not being able to put in c/al, stuff like that.
But after working with it, a couple of months, finding my way. Doing implementations. I think I am getting used to it.
The thing with automaticaly hiding whit the customer license in combination with the permissions is realy great!
Problem is... to few people know how to use it effectively...
The resolution to this problem, is the table 2000000061 User Menu Level on trigger DataPerCompany = 'yes';
The default is 'No'.
Thanks Kine! And Thanks to all replys!