Posting Error???

shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
Dear Experts,

How to overcome the following error:

"You must specify Receiving number series in Purchase header document Type="order",no"002"."

This error occurs wen I post the PO and select only the POST option.
Where is the receiving no serires for Purchase header???PLZ help



  • ovicashovicash Member Posts: 141
    Dear Experts,

    How to overcome the following error:

    "You must specify Receiving number series in Purchase header document Type="order",no"002"."

    This error occurs wen I post the PO and select only the POST option.
    Where is the receiving no serires for Purchase header???PLZ help


    Which version of Navision are you using?
    ANyway try Sales&Recei.... Setup.>Numbering Tab

    Hope it helps

    Best Regards
  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
    But it's a puchase order????
    what does it have to do with SALES?
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    Obviously, it's Purchase & Payables Setup (form 460)

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
  • sggsgg Member Posts: 109
    Have you checked the Posted Receipt Nos. field in the P&P Setup Form?
    Sunday, Godwin G
  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162
    Yes..I've given a posted recipt no series..
    even then it thorws out the same error.

    Could you pls help cause I'm unable to continue further

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    1) If the header was created when the Nos. Serie was not set, you need to select the series manually.

    2) If the header was created in some "non-standard" way, the fields can be empty because the creation process... you need select the series manually

    3) Some companies wants, that they have more posting series and the user need to select, which one is the correct...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    Add the field 'Receiving No.' to the header of the form.

    Fill it in.


  • shilpa_nandushilpa_nandu Member Posts: 162

    I got it now! :D
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