Problem with running a report from the comandline

Peter_KuiperPeter_Kuiper Member Posts: 19
Our customer has the following problem: when we try to start Navision and run a report from the command line on their system, using the following command:

finhlink "navision://client/run?servername=finance&company=0060 Holdingsmij. MdB BV&target=Report 50023&servertype=NAVISION"

then Navision starts correctly, the company is opened, but the report doesn't run. No error message. When I open the Object Designer at that point, then I am able to run the report manually.

When we try the same in our environment, then it works fine.

The only difference we can see is that the customer has Windows 2003, while we have tested this (succesfully) on Windows XP on our site.

Does anyone have a solution or encountered the same problem?


  • Marcel_G.Marcel_G. Member Posts: 6
    Don't know if you mean this but I use this way to make a Form or Report auto-starting from the command line: Make a link auto inside NAV. (Start/Run the report/form in NAV with, in your case, the Object Designer. Go to File- Send- Link to Desktop and a link with the needed info is standing on your Desktop).

    A 'starting' NAV user..
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I tested the link functionality in Navision 4.0SP1 and I have problems too... if I run the link, only Navision is started, if I run the ling when Navision is started, the form (report etc.) is runned...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
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