Automatic Inheritance of the Responsibility Center Code

WinfriedBarzWinfriedBarz Member Posts: 38
We use the Responsibility Code in Navision. If an SalesPerson with an Responsibility Code (i.e. Bremen) enter an Sales Quote, and an other SalesPerson with an other Responsibility Code (i.e. München) converts the Quote to an Order, then the Responsibility Code in the Order will be blank.

1. Question
What can I do that the Responsibility Code will be inherit from the Quote to the Order equal which Responsibility Code the Sales Person belong to?

2. Question
If the Sales Person change the blank Responsibility Code to the right Code, same as in the Quote, Navision changes the Sales Lines to the Entries found in the Item-Table. It would be correct to let the Sales Lines unchanged. How can I do this?
Best Regards
Winfried Barz


  • ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667

    Standard Navision doesn't have a direct link of salesperson to the responsibility centers, I guess you mean that you have linked the users with the responsibility centers from user setup.

    1. Standard navision copies every field from the quote to the sales order, it is in the codeunit 86 "Sales-Quote to Order", where it excutes the:
    SalesOrderHeader := Rec;
    In your example, propably the user changed the responsibility center...
    You have to remember that in the sales orders, the system automaticaly filters the orders by the responsiblility center of the user (from the user setup).
    It is better to make an exmple of your own with 2 different users with different Resp. Centers to confirm that it wasn't a user input error.

    2. The modification of the sales lines when you change the Responsibility center is in the table 36 "Sales Header", field 5700 "Responsibility Center" OnValidate, at the end that calls the:
    IF (xRec."Responsibility Center" <> "Responsibility Center") THEN
      RecreateSalesLines(FIELDCAPTION("Responsibility Center"));
    I hope I helped you a bit...
  • WinfriedBarzWinfriedBarz Member Posts: 38
    Thank you very much,
    a good idea, I can resolve the problem.
    Best Regards
    Winfried Barz
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