P&L And Balance Sheet

johnnyc313johnnyc313 Member Posts: 93

In Navision is there a default Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports? In sage for example it is a simple report.

Thanks in advance...



  • MChilariMChilari Member Posts: 47
    In Navision there is no Predefined Profit &Loss / Balance Sheets becasue all these Accounting statements can be user defined easily using "Account Schedules". In Navision User also have the Flexibility to export these reports to Excel.
  • johnnyc313johnnyc313 Member Posts: 93
    MChilari wrote:
    In Navision there is no Predefined Profit &Loss / Balance Sheets becasue all these Accounting statements can be user defined easily using "Account Schedules". In Navision User also have the Flexibility to export these reports to Excel.

    I thought that, but just wanted to make sure.


  • hansfouserthansfousert Member Posts: 46
    From the "what's new in Navision 4.0 SP1" documentation I copied this:

    Three new reports have been added to the reporting ability of Navision. These reports are designed with an exception on the standard GUI guidelines.
    • The Fiscal Year Balance (or extended trial balance, or Column Balance) enables you to analyse variances and balance sheet movements. The Fiscal Year Balance shows the Closing Balance until the end of the previous Fiscal Year for each ledger account, the Fiscal Year until this period, this Fiscal Year until the end of the selected period (or alternate ending date), Balance until the end of the selected period(or alternate ending date), excluding the closing entries.
    • The Balance Comparison – Previous Year is an overview of the GL Account with information about the current period, the balance at the end of the period (YTD, end of period or alternate ending date), the balance in the same period from the previous year and the balance (YTD, end of period or alternate ending date) of the previous year.
    • The Trial Balance by Period (period balance) enables you to analyse the movements in the selected period and the impact of these movements on both the balance sheet and result. The Trial Balance by Period shows the opening balance by ledger account, the movements in the selected period (month, quarter or year), and the resulting closing balance.
    Kind regards,

    Hans Fousert
    Microsoft Certified Trainer and Jet Reports Certified Trainer
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