group total fields... report

demi222demi222 Member Posts: 131
I have made a report that only looks at one table.
I made a key in that table.... Cust No., Cust Name, Cust Status.

In the report I put Cust No., Cust Name, Cust Status in the DataItemTableView

I also put Cust No., Cust Name, Cust LastName Cust Status in the GroupTotalFields

In the TotalFields I put Amount and Hours

I have made a groupheader with Cust No., Cust Name,Cust LastName and Cust Status.

I have made a groupFooter with Amount and Hours...and on the presection of the groupfooter I have written:
CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(CurrReport.TOTALSCAUSEDBY = FIELDNO("Cust Status"));

What I want is for Amount and Hours to be totaled for each customer for each Status.

For example, if there exists Status 1, Status 2, and Status 3
I want the following:

................................Status 1....5.33....3 hours
................................Status 2....71.0....8 hours

................................Status 1....7.77....2 hours
................................Status 2....8.89....3 hours
................................Status 3....10.5....5 hours

Have I done things wrong?
what is happening now is that the Cust No., Cust Name,Cust LastName and Cust Status show... but only the first status that is in the table... also, Hours and Amount do not show.
If I take out the code in the onpresection of my groupfooter, it shows Hours and Amount, but the total, without taking into account the Cust Status.

can anyone help?


  • i4tosti4tost Member Posts: 208
    Too much errors in one idea :)
    At first - you need a key only for "Cust No.", "Cust Status"
    The same is for "GroupTotalFields" property
    Amount and Hours must be in "TotalFields" property.

    Wish you luck :wink:
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