I created a report on the sales invoice line table and some other tables. If I want to retrieve the item and its related price fieds, all the data(including the freight and set up and others and its related cost) are displayed in the report. My question is how to hide the fields I don't need.
Are these just extra fields you don't need? -.You can just delete them.
Are these fields you don't need but don't want to get rid of "just in case"?
you can change the fields proporties to Visible:No
Item Cost Quantity
Pen 5.00 100
Imprinting30.00 90
Shipping 12.00 1
How to hide imprinting and shipping and its related data and generate the report like
Item Cost Quanity
Pen 5.00 100
I tried to code with If condition, but it doesn't work. Thanks!
In the "OnPreSection()"-trigger of the section you don't want to print, you have to put
If you don't want to process the record at all (with previous examples, you process the report and you are able to show other sections of that record [mostly used to select between different layouts for a record (see Salesinvoice => printing the lines)])
In the "OnAfterGetRecord()"-trigger:
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
It is better to create a global for it. You have to total it manually in the "OnAfterGetRecord"-trigger. But do it AFTER the SKIP-statement (if you used this one [this would be the best way to skip records]).
Or if you put code in the "OnPreSection"-trigger, you have to subtract the value in case it shouldn't be shown. This because you added it in the "OnAfterGetRecord"-trigger. This is not really a nice programming style. In this case I would put a comment in the "OnAfterGetRecord"-trigger, saying the value will be subtracted in an "OnPreSection"-trigger in case the record has not to be shown.
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!