Another tip for importing trough the excel buffer.
When importing textfields that may never be parsed as decimal you can check if the cel property is text with this "extension" for the Excel buffer:
Function Readsheet
IF IsDecimal("Cell Value as Text") THEN
IF IsDecimal("Cell Value as Text") AND (FORMAT(XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID+xlRowID).NumberFormat) <> '@') THEN
Numberformat has for the file I've imported the values Standard (for non-formatted cells), @ (for text cells) and (jj/mm/dd for datefields (depends on the dateformat used)).
|Pressing F1 is so much faster than opening your browser| |To-Increase|
When importing textfields that may never be parsed as decimal you can check if the cel property is text with this "extension" for the Excel buffer:
Function Readsheet
IF IsDecimal("Cell Value as Text") THEN
IF IsDecimal("Cell Value as Text") AND (FORMAT(XlWrkSht.Range(xlColID+xlRowID).NumberFormat) <> '@') THEN
Numberformat has for the file I've imported the values Standard (for non-formatted cells), @ (for text cells) and (jj/mm/dd for datefields (depends on the dateformat used)).