
Removing department codes / cause for concern?

pcicconepciccone Member Posts: 14
edited 2006-01-05 in Navision Financials
We are in the process of revamping the way our company uses department codes. We are significantly reducing the number of departments we use and would like to delete the obsolete codes. We will not be changing the department codes on historical items. I have tried to “test” this in our “play” database and have not found any errors – unlike when attempting to delete Phase/Task/Step or Salesperson codes in the past.

Does anyone know any reason we should not delete department codes?




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    themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    if you go to reprint any of the historical documents you may run into an error, at least I did.

    You also may get an error if you run a consistancy check on your database. as it will find the missing department codes and return an error, the department code missing from invoice number such and such.

    you may want to add a field to the department table labeled Blocked, then set a fiter on the form design to not show any departments marked as blocked, they will still be in the table, but hidden from users.

    and you can always, see them by opening the table dirrectly.
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    pcicconepciccone Member Posts: 14
    Thanks for the great advice. We are going to give your suggestion a try tomorrow. - Phil
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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    And do not forget, if you will run Adjustment batches and there are some entries for the deleted departmens, you can have problem... but I am not sure if it is true for 2.x versions...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    JulianHarperJulianHarper Member Posts: 63
    themave wrote:
    if you go to reprint any of the historical documents you may run into an error, at least I did.

    You also may get an error if you run a consistancy check on your database. as it will find the missing department codes and return an error, the department code missing from invoice number such and such.

    you may want to add a field to the department table labeled Blocked, then set a fiter on the form design to not show any departments marked as blocked, they will still be in the table, but hidden from users.

    and you can always, see them by opening the table dirrectly.

    Totally agree with all that, that's how we do it. Generally speaking I would recommend you never delete things like Deparments, UserID's, Project codes ect as it can lead to problems later on.
    Julian Harper
    IT Manager
    Laytons Wine Merchants Ltd
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