How to set number series?

sridharsridhar Member Posts: 171
Can any one please discribe how to set a number series?


  • JulianHarperJulianHarper Member Posts: 63
    This is coming from a v2.60 database but it should still be the same.
      In the General Ledger select Setup - No Series Press F3 to create a new No Series and type in the Series Code Type in a Description for the series Drill down on either the Starting No or Ending No fields In here type in the starting number (this can be numeric or alphanumeric) and ending number If you want you can put in a warning no Then put in an increment of 1 and make sure the Open field is ticked Press ESC

    Optionally you can specify if you want to series to be Manual or not. If you make it manual it means that people can override the numbers, generally most series are not manual.
    Julian Harper
    IT Manager
    Laytons Wine Merchants Ltd
  • sridharsridhar Member Posts: 171
    Thanks Julian Harper..
    I will try it out
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    So that is how to set up a numbering series. To actually use it somewher,e it has to be selected as the active numbering series for certain entities. For instance, you can select the right numbering series for Items in Inventory Setup. You can set the numbering series for sales invoices in Sales & Receivables Setup, etcetera.

    If you have added a new table and you want to use the numbering series functionality for it, then this becomes a more complicated exercise that you will need a developer license for.
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