Error in ' Warehouse Shipment' for different UoM

insanniinsanni Member Posts: 52
hi Guys,

i ve got an error 'The bin content does not exist' when i do a shipment thru Warehouse menu
i use Bin code but not management warehouse and i use a different unit of measure for Sales
i tried for Purchase order (use different UoM also), and it works
is this a bug ? if yes, does anybody know when navision will fix it ?

thanks a lot



  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    edited 2006-01-05
    No this isn't a bug. It's how bins work without warehouse management. Basically you can't use different unit of measures. So if you buy in boxes, you have to sell it in boxes. I had to do a modification, a simple one, to convert everything to base UOM when the warehouse entry was inserted.

    Here is the code in cu 7301

    WITH WhseJnlLine DO BEGIN
    IF ("Qty. (Absolute)" = 0) AND ("Qty. (Base)" = 0) AND (NOT "Phys. Inventory") THEN
    GetLocation("Location Code");
    //S001 Start
    Item.GET("item No.");
    IF (Location."Directed Put-away and Pick" = FALSE) THEN BEGIN
    WhseJnlLine."Unit of Measure Code" := Item."Base Unit of Measure";
    WhseJnlLine."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
    WhseJnlLine.Quantity := WhseJnlLine."Qty. (Base)";
    //S001 End
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • insanniinsanni Member Posts: 52
    hi ara3n,

    thanks for your response
    but......if Bin without warehouse management doesn't allow a different unit of measure, why the system can process when i use different UoM in Purchase ? i checked in the bin content, the system convert to 'base unit of measure' automatically, only in purchase document still keep the quantity in 'purchase unit of measure'. that's why i think it's a bug

    thanks a lot

  • insanniinsanni Member Posts: 52

    i tried to apply your codes to cu 7301 but it raised error.
    (i added WhseEntry as parameter to Code())
    anthing i should add??

  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    I'm sorry I coppied the code wrong. here is it again I've fixed at top as well.

    /S001 Start
    Item.GET("item No.");
    IF (Location."Directed Put-away and Pick" = FALSE) THEN BEGIN
    WhseJnlLine."Unit of Measure Code" := Item."Base Unit of Measure";
    WhseJnlLine."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
    WhseJnlLine.Quantity := WhseJnlLine."Qty. (Base)";
    //S001 End

    It should work. Note this will fix new entries. If you have allready bin content you have take them out of bin and put them back in or write a routine to change the warehouse entry table all to base unit of measure for locations that use bins but not warehouse management with directed put-way and pick.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • insanniinsanni Member Posts: 52
    hi ara3n,

    it works !! thanks a lot
  • PanJPanJ Member Posts: 34
    ara3n wrote: »
    I'm sorry I coppied the code wrong. here is it again I've fixed at top as well.

    /S001 Start
    Item.GET("item No.");
    IF (Location."Directed Put-away and Pick" = FALSE) THEN BEGIN
    WhseJnlLine."Unit of Measure Code" := Item."Base Unit of Measure";
    WhseJnlLine."Qty. per Unit of Measure" := 1;
    WhseJnlLine.Quantity := WhseJnlLine."Qty. (Base)";
    //S001 End

    It should work. Note this will fix new entries. If you have allready bin content you have take them out of bin and put them back in or write a routine to change the warehouse entry table all to base unit of measure for locations that use bins but not warehouse management with directed put-way and pick.


    Hi ara3n,

    I've got the same error but it happens in Item Journal. I already tried adding your code on CU7301 but it doesn't work. could you advise me,please?
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