Planning for Multiple Location

insanniinsanni Member Posts: 52
dear all,

How can i calculate planning for all locations in total (combine) ? as long as i know, navision can calculate planning for multiple location but separated (by location)

thanks in advance



  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    The only way I can think of is to use SKU's.
    This way if there is need of supplying an item X in a location A, a transfer order can be created from another location B.
    But if you do that, location A can only (I think) be supplied by location B, not by a location C.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    not sure exactly what you are trying to accomplish, but you could make a new location that represents the company wide quantities you want to have calculated. I have done that for a few items. I set up a new location and created a few non-printing reports that totaled the other location reorder qauntities ect. and populated the master location record with this info. I then changed the other locations items to reorder from the master location.

    When I run a requisition worksheet for the master location it gets restocked for the company wide total I want on hand. and the other locations get transfer orders created when they need to restock.
  • insanniinsanni Member Posts: 52
    hi Alain,

    we tried with SKU before, but still the same, planning can't do for all locations (combine)

    hi themave,
    we want to do planning in combine location (all locations we have), example: quantity of finished good X in location A=10, in location B=20, when there is a sales order=40, we expect system will give a suggestion of production order=10 (if we choose all locations in option 'location field'), but system doesnt do like that, the planning calculation only for location by location
    most of our clients do planning for all locations, right now, we use BIN (without warehouse management) to handle this situation, but the transaction processing become completely different


  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    we want to do planning in combine location (all locations we have), example: quantity of finished good X in location A=10, in location B=20, when there is a sales order=40, we expect system will give a suggestion of production order=10 (if we choose all locations in option 'location field'), but system doesn’t do like that, the planning calculation only for location by location most of our clients do planning for all locations, right now, we use BIN (without warehouse management) to handle this situation, but the transaction processing become completely different
    Only way I can think of to do it without any custom programming would be a three step process.
    1. First you would need a non-printing report that would populate a default sales order for the master location, You could always have the sales order created and your processing report could populate the sales lines with the sum of all the quantities on sales orders for all locations. Would be relatively easy processing report to make.
    2. Then a second processing only report to update the "order qty" field on your master item location sku card, this report would be the sum of the qty on hand for all locations.
    3. Run the requisition report for the master location. It will see the sale order with qty 40 and see that the location only has 30, and suggest 10 for you.

    The only maintenance would be to delete the sales lines when you are done, so the next batch process is ready. You could automate this whole process with the job scheduler, it could run each night your processing reports so your users would never need to see any of the details.

    I created a few processing only reports to populate the requisition table every night so the users can come in each morning with a new requisition worksheet to review. I made a separate batch name for each location and set all the filters in the processing report so it can run unattended.

    Benefit of this process would be it doesn't change any Navision behaivor so it would be easy to upgrade later also.
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    I think there is a conceptual problem. Material supply and material demand must be reserved (or at least order tracked - I don't exactly remember which one) to each other for the planning to work - or else the planning enginge would plan to use the same material inventory for two or more prod. orders.
    However, Navision can't reserve items in different locations.

    Chaning the planning/reservation engine is simply impossible - it is using some amazingly complicated mathematical engine, something about pushin' matrixes of 2-dimensional arrays of records up and down. Horrible. This is called Inventory Profile Offsetting, within a codeunit of a same name. Hell, even if you are NOT using SKU-s, it will create temporary SKU's for you...

    So, what you can do is

    1) Either try to use Bins instead of Locations (however, no different inventory costs, no cost assigned to transfers etc. )

    2) write your own planning engine, which, looks hard but it is extremely easy. I mean you need a plain simple processing-only report that throws CALCFIELDS on flowfields in the Item table like Inventory, Qty. on Sales Order, Qty. on Purch. Order, Qty. on Component Lines etc. and add and subtract them and throw the result on the worksheet. OK it won't do reservations, tracking etc. but maybe you don't need them.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
  • insanniinsanni Member Posts: 52
    hi Guys,

    thanks for your advice
    i hope NAV will extend the feature for planning for combine locations one day
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