If I use an external SQL Server Table for importing a Recordset into Navision, I get an Error for each Null Value in my SQL Server Table Fields.
I must make the Import with an Automation Objekt.
"Serial No." := (adoRS.Fields.Item('GeraetArtikelNr').Value);
'GeraetArtikelNr' is a Field of an external SQL Server Database.
IF this Field Value is Null, i get an Error.
In MS Acces I could use the IsNull Function?
Is there any simular Function in Navision?
Thank you for your answers
1) Test the 'ActualLength' of the field before trying to assign it to a C/AL variable: http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8746
2) Use the COALESCE function in your SQL query to convert nulls to empty strings: http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2407
Hope this helps.
Have you tried to copy this value to an variant variable. After that, you can ask using ISINTEGER, ISDECIMAL,... function