I have created a codeunit with one method in it. This method does not take any parameter and does not return anything. When I try to use this method on a Form OnActivate event I get the following error during compilation
"When the function is called, the minimum number of parameters should be used "
The method is called by creating a local variable on the form for the Codeunit name and then using it like this.
I am kind of new to navision coding ( 2 days now) so it may be something very simple..
I just checked the code again and by accident I had clicked the parameters tab on the method in the codeunit. The datatype for the line was set to 'Integer' but it had no other field filled ( not even the Name field). And the odd thing is that the codeunit has complied perfectly. Looks like the complier needs some work on it. Anyways I deleted the half filled parameter from the method name and now everything compiles fine.
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