Last week When we tried to post the invoice, it pops up the error message saying the transaction cannot be completed because it will cause inconsistencies in the G/L Entry Table. Parts of the program mark tables as inconsistent during very comprehensive task, such as posting. This prevents data from being updated incorrectly. How to solve this problem? Thanks in advance!
after the line GLEntry.INSERT; put a new line
Something like message(GLEntry."G/L Account NO." + ' ' + format(GLEntry."Amount"));
write down all the messages when you try to post. Add them up and see why they don't add up to zero.
Most of the time it's a taxing issue. If it is. change the tax amount by one cent or something. If it is not. Write down the Message and maybe we can help. Also it's helpfull to tell what version you are working with.
Independent Consultant/Developer
I'm sure there are few more posts about inconsistency
What I would need to solve this problem is access to the database with the debugger to analyse.
You realy should contact your NSC for this.
One last thing you can try is to make a copy of the database, take a posting that does work and compare the data in the tables to each other to see if you can find a difference.
Good luck!
Usually the problem line is obvious. Show all the fields & look for one that has multiple decimal places.
F9 the statistics and look at that! see if anything looks strange.
The weird one we had wouldn't post even though it also had no extra decimal places. I'm trying to remember but I think we "Opened" Un-released the order and tried to post it & it posted.
Who's post are you referring to?? Did you try to un-relase the order & see if the credit posts?
Are you wiping out the invoice using "Copy Document" Or it's just a small credit against the invoice as if one of the items arrived damaged?