If the logo in Company information table we use the following statement to print the logo on the top of the report :
Put the following statement onpredata item trigger
"company information".CALCFIELDS(Picture);
if you want print the logo on the every page, put the picture control on the header section of the data item and select the property print on every page yes.
Check one of the standard reports, they should give you an idea.
here's one to get you started
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... light=logo
If the logo in Company information table we use the following statement to print the logo on the top of the report :
Put the following statement onpredata item trigger
"company information".CALCFIELDS(Picture);
if you want print the logo on the every page, put the picture control on the header section of the data item and select the property print on every page yes.