
Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
Hi, I want to create a Wrong shippment report which includes wrong item shipped, late shipment, wrong shipment method and others fields. Only if the order has wrong item shipped or late shippment or wrong shipment method or others, the outputs are displayed. I try to write the code, but it miss some data when I run the report. Can anyone give me any advise?
Thanks in advance!


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    I guess you have to explain more - how are you defining wrong items/date & such. What are you using to indicate this?

    You can always post your code & explain what the code is trying to do.

    Sometimes it's all in the details :wink:
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    All these fields are boolean. In the dataitem trigger, my code is:
    If "Shipment"."Wrong shipment" Or
    "Shipment"."Wrong item shippment" or
    "Shipment"."Wrong shipment method" or
    "Shipment"."late shipment" or
    "Shipment"."Others" then
    Why I miss some data in the report
  • lzrlzr Member Posts: 264
    You do not set showoutput as far as I can see.. try
    Navision developer
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    Once you are in dataitem triggers don't use SHOWOUTPUT, that way your report will show the output by default, unless you tell it to skip a record. I think you are on the right track by using the Skip method in the dataitem trigger. Try something like this:
    If NOT ("Shipment"."Wrong shipment" OR
            "Shipment"."Wrong item shippment" OR
            "Shipment"."Wrong shipment method" OR
            "Shipment"."late shipment" OR
            "Shipment"."Others") THEN
  • lzrlzr Member Posts: 264
    Yes, Daniel is right. Showoutput is used in section triggers
    Navision developer
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    :D Thank you!
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