Excel Automation - Running an Excel Macro or Function

SHardySHardy Member Posts: 38
Version 3.70.B


I am using Excel automation and, while the workbook is open, I am wanting to run a macro. I have setup a very simple "Hello World" message macro to test with. I have entered the following line of code to run the macro:


However, Navision returns the following error:

"The call to member Run failed. Microsoft Office Excel returned the following message: The macro 'HelloWorld' cannot be found."

Help!!! Why might this be?

Once I have successfully got this working, I then want to change it to run a function that requires a string to be passed to it and that will then return an integer. Any help with this would be appreciated. The code in Excel is as follows:

Function ReturnCellLength(CellRef As String) As Integer
On Error Resume Next
ReturnCellLength = 0
ReturnCellLength = Len(Range(CellRef).Value)
End Function

How would I call this function passing a cell reference as a string (e.g. "A1")?

Note: Both of these macros are within the "ThisWorkbook" module.

Navision Version(s):
Server - 3.70.B
Client - 3.60


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