
How to downgrade an Attain Add-on to Financials 2.60.07

Tommy_SchouTommy_Schou Member Posts: 117
edited 2005-12-22 in Navision Financials
Any ideas?

So far I have found that you can import .fobs from attain 3.01.02 into a Financials 2.60 database but when you try to compile them the runtime crashes.

Changing VAR ID's from @10000000001 to something like @1001 solves some problems but I still get the occasional crash from several objects when I try to compile them and so far haven't been able to identify the reason.

Does anybody know of any tools or guides to help in this process?
Best regards


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    Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    What errors do you get?

    I usualy downgrade via txt files instead of fobs...
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    Tommy_SchouTommy_Schou Member Posts: 117
    What errors do you get?

    I usualy downgrade via txt files instead of fobs...

    How do you go about preparing the objects for downgrading then?

    If I export a text-object and import it into Financials and then try to compile it the client runtime simply crashes. No error message. Just a crash.

    If I then change all @100000## -no's (id's) in the text file to ie. @10## I can compile it with no trouble. But on some objects the runtime still crashes...

    You don't have that problem with ID no's?
    Best regards
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    Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Well, i've just checked it.

    Downgraded from 3.70 to 2.01 but no problems with the ID's.

    Maybe there is some property set that was not there in 2.x

    Maybe you can try to export the files from the 2.x database. Sometimes you get some error you can investigate.

    You can also try to export from 3.x with text and import to 2.x to see for errors.

    Last thing you can try is to open a copy of the 2.x database with 3.x to see if this works.

    Sorry, this is all I can thinkabout right now.

    Good luck.
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    Tommy_SchouTommy_Schou Member Posts: 117
    Well, i've just checked it.

    Downgraded from 3.70 to 2.01 but no problems with the ID's.

    Maybe there is some property set that was not there in 2.x

    Maybe you can try to export the files from the 2.x database. Sometimes you get some error you can investigate.

    You can also try to export from 3.x with text and import to 2.x to see for errors.

    Last thing you can try is to open a copy of the 2.x database with 3.x to see if this works.

    Sorry, this is all I can thinkabout right now.

    Good luck.

    Tank you very much. Both for the Good Luck wishes and your effort to assist.

    Merry christmas! 8)
    Best regards
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