I’m working through importing data into Navision 4.0 SP1 using the dataport functionality. I have run into one problem that I can’t seem to find an answer to after searching the forms and reading the Application Designer’s Guide. Perhaps I just missed it….
Regardless, here is my problem:
I have the Item Card setup to automatically assign the next available number for item numbers. I wish to import records from an Excel spreadsheet and have Navision assign the Item Number “No.”.
I have set the “AutoSave” and “AutoUpdate” to “No” for the Dataport and I assume that I now need to add some code to one of the triggers to facilitate the Item Number increment, and then trigger the insert. This is where I am a little lost.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
itemTmp.Description := item.Description;
This will use the default template (usually 999999) and generate a number for you
and set autosave and autoupdate to false
Not sure if this is all correct… I still have a lot to lean. But like I said, it works. Thanks again.
Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.