Print salesterms on invoice (duplexprint)

superbrugersuperbruger Member Posts: 41

I want to print a page with salesterms on the backside of invoices.
There is a lot of text.

We have MatriksDoc, and I would like to edit the 3 - 4 different terms via Matriks and then use this when I print the invoice.

But how?

All the text is stored in the blob-field in the table "Document" but I cant see how to print this without opening Word, and then its not printet at the backside, but after the "ordinary" invoice.

Can anyone please help?


  • BobbyBobby Member Posts: 8
    you can add text boxes on the report. you can use stream objects to fill data in to these text boxes from BLOB.

    Also I think its printer setting to print it on the back side of the paper.

  • superbrugersuperbruger Member Posts: 41
    Can You please explane a little better.

    (I'm new in Navision 4.0) O:)

    Plese note that there is a hole A4 page of small text to be printed.
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    You might try to do it without programming and instead get pre-printed forms, seems like an easier solution.
  • superbrugersuperbruger Member Posts: 41
    Preprintet - no.
    There is different text to different customers.
    And new terms comming now and then.
    So we would very much like to just have one "frontpage" and then print the text on the backside related to the customer.
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