Greek cancelations Beta 3 (for greek version only)

ArhontisArhontis Member Posts: 667
I would like to inform the greek developers about a bug in cancelations beta 3 developed by MBS Hellas.

It is in the cu6620 Copy Document Mgt. where the NextLineNo gets its initial value:

// GR0001 begin line numbers should be copied from the original document in case of cancellation
IF CancelType > CancelType::" " THEN
    IF ToSalesLine.FIND('+') THEN
      ERROR(Text16703,ToSalesLine.FIELDCAPTION("Document Type"),ToSalesLine."Document Type",
        ToSalesLine.FIELDCAPTION("Document No."),ToSalesLine."Document No.")
  // GR0001 end
    IF ToSalesLine.FIND('+') THEN
      NextLineNo := ToSalesLine."Line No."
      NextLineNo := 0;
It should be:
  // GR0001 begin line numbers should be copied from the original document in case of cancellation
  IF CancelType > CancelType::" " THEN BEGIN
    IF ToSalesLine.FIND('+') THEN
      ERROR(Text16703,ToSalesLine.FIELDCAPTION("Document Type"),ToSalesLine."Document Type",
        ToSalesLine.FIELDCAPTION("Document No."),ToSalesLine."Document No.");
  // GR0001 end
    IF ToSalesLine.FIND('+') THEN
      NextLineNo := ToSalesLine."Line No."
      NextLineNo := 0;
because the ELSE (in the first case) is assigned to the second IF which is wrong. (I have added a few begin/end)

That code is similar in the CopySalesDoc and CopyPurchDoc.

The functionality is used when you want to copy multiple documents into one, i.e. copy some return receipts to a Sales Order.
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