I'd like to ask you what type of license each user from Internet needs for connection to Navision database.
Is there any type of liciense that provide multiply connection to Navision database?
Each instance of NAS occupies a session. The basic GL license comes with one instance of NAS, and you have to buy additional instances. So add up the number of NAS instances you need (say that number is equal to x), subtract one from that number and you have the number of NAS instances you need (x-1).
I understand about NAS instances. The question is about license to acces Navision via Internet. Are additional granules required in Navision licenese for web users?
Navison Application Server <-> MSMQ <-> Web Server <-> Web site
The NAS connects to the database, and you need to license each instance of NAS. How many users connect to your website is not relevant, because they don't connect directly to Navision.
IT Manager
Laytons Wine Merchants Ltd