Dear all,
I met one problem :-k when I want to create the Warehouse Receipt from Purchase Order.
Location mandartory: Yes
Directed Put-away and Pick: Yes
Subcontract : Yes
1. Release Prod. Order
2. Run Subcontract Worksheet
3. Carry out to generate Purchase Order
4. Warehouse Receipts
System only create Warehouse Receipt Header. The line is empty. Why? I cannot receive purchase order. My operation is correct? Do you have this kind of experience?
Thanks a lot!
One way you can do is receive by using Purchase Order.
Fill quantity in Qty. to Recieve in PO Line and then Post Recieve.
Thanks for your reply. It's very happy that there is a person can discuss this issue with me.
The qty had been filled into Qty to Receive field by system automatically after I did "Carry Out" in Subcontract Worksheet screen. I try to do post receipt in PO screen but the system always show as "You must specify Location Code in Purchase Line Documentation Type='Order', Document No.=xxx, Line No.=xxxx
As you know, I defined the Location is Mandartory in Inventory Setup screen. Could I do this kind of setup? In this case, how should I do? Cancel the mandartory for Location in Inventory Setup screen? But my user is very easy to forget to fill in the Location in Order. <That's why I assgin the Location is mandantory>.
Thank you.
This error message came from Released Production Order that your user forgot to fill Location Code in Posting Tab. So your Subcontrating PO also don't have Location Code.
You can post Receive by filling the Location Code in PO line. But I recommend you to fill Location Code in Released Prod. Order and refresh your Prod. Order, before you fill the Location Code in Subcontracting PO, because system will update the Location Code to any linked information such as output journal.
I guess your user create Production Order manaully. Some of my users create manually too. I solved this user mistake by modified Firm Planned Prod. Order or Released Production Order Form by move field"Location Code" from Posting Tab to General Tab. Then the Location Code is on the first tab that they can check it easier.
I hope these can help you and sorry for my confusing English.
You are right. It works correctly now. Thank you very much!
Sorry. The test was done in a developed database. Later I tested it in Demo enviroment in Navision 4.0. The error is still there.
Why you can do this but I cannot? Anything that I need to adjust?
I will check it again.
so ih you solve it
let me know