Problem opening Resources and Project Journal Template

pwillepwille Member Posts: 7
Hi there,

I'm a new Navision user and a seller wannabee. I've just bought my Navision license and started to configure it.

Now I've encountered some difficulties and I'm not able to solve this.. :(
Can you help me?

When I'm trying to open the Resource- or Project Journal Template it generates the following error:

Please specify a filter for the Journal Template Name field in the Res. Journal Line Table.

In Dutch:
Geef een filter op voor veld Dagboek sjabloon in tabel Resource dagboekregel.

After pressing OK it doesn't go to the Resource Journal Template (or Project)

Can anyone please help me??

Thanks in advance!


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Hmm Terneuzen.. Did you buy WMR? :mrgreen:

    What version of Navision are you using?

    This error occurs when you open a journal from the objectdesigner instead of via the menu, but this is changed from 4.00 onwards...
  • pwillepwille Member Posts: 7

    jep, Terneuzen, located in Zeeuws Vlaanderen.

    What is WMR? ;)
    The version is 4.0.

    I'm opening the journal just from the new menu.

    Oh wait,.. I've just tried to open it the 3.70 way in stead of the 4.0 menu and this works perfect! \:D/
    What can be the couse of that?

    What can I do to solve this problem?

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind Regards,

  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Looks like you have upgraded...

    The journals used to be opened via a codeunit, this is not possible in 4.0 main menu (pain)

    You should look at the other journals (item/general) and try to copy this solution to the other journals...

    Good luck.
  • pwillepwille Member Posts: 7
    Yep, thats true. I've got an pre configured database to work with.
    I deleted most of the pre configuration table contents and started to build the database with my own settings. Apparently not all the 4.0 menu items are configured as they have to be.

    I don't know how to solve this (copy this from an other journal menu item) but I'll try.

    Thanks for the help!
    See you next time (probably a lot in the future ;))

  • pwillepwille Member Posts: 7
    Hey Mark,

    is it possible to create a new 4.0 database and import some 3.7 data and settings?
  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    You can restore a 3.70 backup in 4.0, but than you will have a 4.0 client with 3.7 business logic, also the main menu will be the good oll' 370 menu.

    If you want an upgrade you need to follow the steps in the upgrade manual.
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