
Questions on Navision performance

shanna1shanna1 Member Posts: 76
edited 2005-12-19 in Navision Financials
Hi guys!

I need some advices. I have acustomer who has nav 2.10 and have some performance problems. How that can be resolved?? I know that you can compress some data to ave more space. Is it possible with that version? If yes, how to do that? And the performance problem can be resolved with that?

Thanks to help me as I am not a technical people , I am more implementer or analyst.


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    SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    with these types of questions - more info is needed.

    Hardware being used?
    Disk Setup?
    Cache Size?
    Number of Users?
    Any Connecting Remotely?
    Database Size?

    The More Information you can provide the better the question can be answered.
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    shanna1shanna1 Member Posts: 76
    OK I see. Unfortunately I dont have those answers but is it possible to compress data in ver 2.10 and if yes how?

    I can come back with more info.

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    Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    You can Compress most entries in Navision. But be carefull with that. It is very doubtfull that it is causing your problems. It is something that cannot be reversed.!!!!!!!

    If you are not sure you should contact a performance specialist.
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    shanna1shanna1 Member Posts: 76
    Hi guys!

    I have some answers to Savatage questions:

    Hardware used? Compact Proliant ML330 Server
    - Disk setup? Raid Scsi
    - Memory Size of server ? 456Meg
    - Cache size? 512K
    - Number of users? 13
    - Any connectivity remotely? Yes
    - Database size? Approx 6GIG

    So if you can give me some answers about Navision performance?

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    JulianHarperJulianHarper Member Posts: 63
    If your server has only 512Mb of RAM (or less) then that's the real bottleneck. I'd get 1.5Gb at least, that way you can have 700-800Mb database cache and still have lots of room for the OS and other services.

    Also what is the SCSI configuration, is it RAID1 or RAID5?
    Julian Harper
    IT Manager
    Laytons Wine Merchants Ltd
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