Compilation error - which objects?

JTProJTPro Member Posts: 169
Hello all,

I made a compilation of all object, and got error message, that I have about 40 objects having errors. Everything would be ok, but it didn't say which objects contain errors. Maybe there is somewhere a log file that I don't know about? Who can help me with this situation?

Best regards

Navision Application Version: 4.0SP1
Database Version: 4.0
Navision Application Version: 4.0SP1
Navision Database Version: 4.0


  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    The compiler has MARKED all of the objects. Look for a small black dot in the small box to the left of the leftmost column (object type icon normally).

    Or go View -> Martked Only and it will filter down the objects to the ones with this mark.

  • JTProJTPro Member Posts: 169
    Thanks you awarn for really fast asnwer!

    Best regards
    Navision Application Version: 4.0SP1
    Navision Database Version: 4.0
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    What you do is when you show marked only, you then open each object individually and compile again to see specifically what is going on with that object.
  • garakgarak Member Posts: 3,263
    its normal, that you have some standard objects with compile errors.
    For example the WordManagment or the object for MessageQue or CommercePortal ...

    For example, the Word Managment shows an error when you have not installed M$ Word.

    Do you make it right, it works too!
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