Credit Balance

Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
Recently we found a big problem in our process. One of the customers has a past due of 1 million, but we still ship the orders to them. Is there any way to put a trigger in the sales order form or post invoice form. When the customer has passed the credit limit, the system will give us a warning message saying the customer has passed a credit limit. In our current system, we can't don any coding in the form as we don't have the right. Only we can do is doing something in the report. Can anybody give me a good suggestions?


  • Paul_BradburyPaul_Bradbury Member Posts: 15
    Have you changed the "Credit Warnings" setting in the Sales & Receivables Setup, and then set the credit limit on the customer card?
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    You could add something like to the header onaftergetrecord triggers to the report
    if cust.get("bill-to customer no.") then begin
       cust.calfields("balance (lcy)");
       if cust."balance (lcy)" > cust."credit limit"*2 then begin // you decide this
              error('Damn. For that guy?! You can't be serious...');        

    A good place is report 204 and 206 - order confirmation and sales shipment.

    However, it is not perfect. It still possible to take the order ship it, just not print it.

    Why can't you just make a blacklist for salespeople and make their responlisibility to not take orders?

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    edited 2005-12-09
    Your have four Choices when using the Navision Warnings as stated by Paul.

    1)No Warnings
    2)Credit Limit Warning
    3)Overdue Balance Warning
    4)Both Warnings

    This is exactly what you need.
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    These are just warnings.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Yes, we changed the "Credit Warnings" setting in the Sales & Receivables Setup as BOTH WARNINGS, and set the credit limit on the customer card. Is there any way for instance when the customer passes the credit limit, there's a warning message. So the rest of limit need to be paid by COD. Thanks!
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Shenpen wrote:
    These are just warnings.
    You have to take one more step, edit the warning form, to remove the Ok button, that way the user can not proceed, the only option is to stop. In our case user sends a quick email to A/R collections to ask to have account opened, she then decides to open, raise limit ect.

    We also run a nigthly routine the resets any prior days, credit limit increases back to a set limit, and blocks any customers that have a invoice more then 30 days past due.

    To reset credit limit you need to have a new field on the customer card, in our database we labeled it "Set Credit Limit"
    We also added a few fields to the customer table so we could have some customers that are never blocked, and others that are never unblocked by the routine. Our collection person sets these fields depending on her current collection effors.

    Here is the cal code in the report, kind of crude, but it works, this runs each night automatically.

    Window.OPEN('Processing Customer #1#############');
    // Set datefilter to be today - 30 days
    // and then have system calculate Balance due with the datefilter
    dt := WORKDATE -30;
    Customer.SETFILTER("Date Filter", '..%1', dt);

    Customer - OnAfterGetRecord()

    ResetLimitTo := "Set Credit Limit";
    VALIDATE("Credit Limit (LCY)",ResetLimitTo);
    Blocked := 0;

    IF "Do Not UnBlock"
    Blocked := 3 // 0-not blocked 1-SHIP 2-INVOICE 3-ALL
    IF "Do Not Block"
    Blocked := 0
    IF "Balance Due" > 0
    THEN Blocked := 0
    ELSE ;

  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Thank you for all your repsponse! If we add the extra fields, we have to fill out the new fields and it seems we have extra work to do. Is it right? Is there any way for us to know the customer who has passed the credit limit when doing the invoice. Then we can ask the customer to pay that amount passing the limit by COD. Thanks in advance!
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    To fill the set credit limit field for the first time, you would create a no printing report with basic code

    "Set Credit Limit" := "Credit Limit";

    Run this report once and all customer will have the field filled in.

    The "do not block" or "do not unblock", is set on a customer specific basis over time, no need to do a mass edit or anything. You may not even want these fields, we use them because we have some customers that we do not want to block period, they may have a dispute on an invoice. so it may be past due, be we do not want to hold up further sales for this. We also find the block routine, helps to trigger collection calls, it is very handy to call a customer and say your service guy is at our parts counter, but we can't release the order until I can get a promiss to pay the past invoice on your account. We usally have a check number from the customer before we hang up the phone.

    The answer for making customer pay over limit amount has already been stated, you need to set up the "credit warning" option in Sales and Receivable setup. Then instruct your users to require cod payment for amount above it. There is no realistic way to change an invoice to be partial on account and partial cod, that I can think off. But I imagine you could come up with some elaborate code to split a sales order into multiple invoices. But that is beyond my Friday morning thinking.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    When I set my "Credit Limit Warning" ON

    When entering an order - the second the amount get's over there credit limit I get a pop window that shows

    "the customers credit limit has been exceeded. Do you still want to record the amount?
    Customer No...1234
    Customer Name: Test Name
    Balance: $800.00
    Current Amount: 201.00
    Total Amount: 1001.00
    Credit Limit: 1000.00


    Isn't this what you are asking for? I think most people turn off this feature because if I say "YES" to keep going with the order. the pop-up appears on every item I try to add after that.
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Thanks Harry! Actually this message pops up when the sales department places order. The thing is when accounting department posts the invoice, there's no message popping up.
  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    That expains it the credit limit check is triggered when the line qty is entered, since it has already been checked, it is not checked again when you simply post the invoice. As far as Navision is concerned when the sales clerk clicked on the ok button on the overlimit warning, everything is fine.

    You would need to change the posting routine to preform the credit limit check, or maybe you could put a trigger on the sales order so when it is open the credit check is ran, so your account department would know it when they opened it.
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    i guess it's possible that if the message is triggered to update a "Over The Limit" boolean field on the header or something. and If there is a check box in the field the accoutning dept would have to remove the check box in order to post it.

    or add "YOU BETTER TELL SOMEONE" on the Credit Limit warning message :wink:
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