Excel Buffer and Formating Values

rkaufmannrkaufmann Member Posts: 71

I use the Navision Table "Excel Buffer" (T370) to import Data from an Excel-Worksheet.

I use the "ReadSheet" function from T370 to import the Data.

In the excel sheet, I have cells which contain decimal values, that are formated like "123456,78", no thousand-seperator.

But after the import the field "Cell Value as Text" contains the value formated like this: "123.456,78". The ReadSheet function adds a thousand-seperator.

The only way to prevent this, is to format the hole excel sheet as "Text".

Or is there an other way to import the values "as they are" in excel?




  • ronvdwronvdw Member Posts: 16
    The Excel Buffer of SP1 has some new fields. One of these fields is named NumberFormat. This refers to an Excel property (search the Excel help file for details about this property).

    I would advice to look at the SP1 Excel buffer. Report 113 shows an example of how to use this property.

    Kind Regards,
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