I have asked a question like this here before, but this time it's a bit different, so bear with me, if you please.

I want to distribute a fob to my clients that will add 7 fields to the Customer table in Navision. I only want to add the definition for the fields, NOT any data. The fields will be empty. Is there some way I can make a fob that will only contain these 7 fields that will still add them to the Customer table?
We have specified 7 FieldNo:s for them that have to be available in the Customer table.
I would like to be able to do this, without running the risk of compromising other customizations by my clients or risking corrupting their other fields in the Customer table.
Please help if you can
Unfortunately you cannot delete all fields in the customer table and just make a fob containing the new fields.
What we do for this problem is making some documentation on how to do the merge manualy.
Should any field ID already exist, an error message will come up and the table cannot be saved.
If the paste is valid, this will leave everything else in the table untouched with the new fields cleanly inserted.
Create new table in test database with the same name and number.
create your fields in the table and save it.
This table will then have the same name and number as the target table, but only the new fields you want to import.
Export the table from your test company.
Import the table in the new company and select "Merge: Existing<-New" your new fields will be merged into the existing table.
the only thing you have to make sure is that the new field numbers are not already in the table.
so, the process is to delete the existing customer table in your test company, create new customer table with only the fields you want. export and import using the Merge: Existing<-New option. I have not had a problem doing this. You just have a blank database so you can create your table new with the same name and number.
Thanks again!