item Cost Adjusting

Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
After we fill out the purchase order and do the Ajust Cost Item Entry with Report Object ID 795, the system gives us the eror message saying "Posting Date is not within your range of allowed posting dates in Item Journal Line Journal Template Name =",Journal Batch Name=",Line No.='0'." I checked all the related tables and can't find the problem. Does anyone know it? Thanks in advance!


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    When you run the report you have to enter a "Posting Date".
    In fact it's your only option for the Adjust Costs Report.

    What date are you using?

    In G/L->Setup->General Ledger Setup

    Are you using
    Allow Posting From: & Allow Posting To: Fields?

    If so is your Adjust Cost - Posting Date in between these dates?
  • Navi_LearnerNavi_Learner Member Posts: 356
    Thanks Harry! It's been solved! =D>
  • dugmillsdugmills Member Posts: 3
    When I try to run Adjust Cost - Item Entires I get an error that says, You must specify Document No. in Item Journal Line Journal Template Name='', Journal Batch Name='', Line No.='0'

    However, I can't find a Line No. 0 in the Item Journal Line table.
    Doug Mills
  • awarnawarn Member Posts: 261
    The record in question is blank - is was created in code - you'll have to debug this one to find out.

  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    When you run the report you have to enter a "Posting Date".
    In fact it's your only option for the Adjust Costs Report.

    What date are you using?

    In G/L->Setup->General Ledger Setup

    Are you using
    Allow Posting From: & Allow Posting To: Fields?
    We are having this same problem. The General Ledger setup is allowing posting from April 1 - April 30, while the user account performing the task has exclusive posting rights for March 31. We run the report and use March 31 as the posting date for adjustments. We then get the first error reported in this thread.

    In version 3.6 this worked without issue. Can we not do this in 4?
    kind of fell into this...
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    in 4.0, if the posting method is "per Entry", the posting date for the G/L is taken from the posting date of the value entry.
    If there some newly evaluated older posts this error message is bound to come up.

    The posting date from the request form is only used if the posting method is "Per Posting Group".
    Kai Kowalewski
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    Kowa wrote:
    in 4.0, if the posting method is "per Entry", the posting date for the G/L is taken from the posting date of the value entry.
    If there some newly evaluated older posts this error message is bound to come up.

    The posting date from the request form is only used if the posting method is "Per Posting Group".

    forgive my ignorance - costing is a little foreign to me.

    i seem to only have the option to select "per Entry" or "Per Posting Group" on report 1002 (Post Inventory Cost to G/L). I am getting the error when running report 795 (Adjust Cost - Item Entries). In inventory set-up, we have Automatic Cost Posting = Yes.

    From the help files, even with Automatic Cost Posting = yes, it is wise to run the "Adjust Cost - Item Entries" and the "Post Inventory Cost to G/L" batch jobs. By having Automatic Cost Posting = yes, does Nav 4 automatically run Post Inventory to G/L (per entry by default), even though we think we are only running 795?

    Last month, we had no problems with this same process although we were still using 3.6.

    All advice is greatly appreciated!
    kind of fell into this...
  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    jversusj wrote:
    The General Ledger setup is allowing posting from April 1 - April 30, while the user account performing the task has exclusive posting rights for March 31. We run the report and use March 31 as the posting date for adjustments. We then get the first error reported in this thread.

    Have you tried changing the Allow Posting From: to 3/31/2006 instead of 4/1/2006?

    The Adjust Cost & Post to g\l reports are not automatically run.
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    Savatage wrote:
    jversusj wrote:
    The General Ledger setup is allowing posting from April 1 - April 30, while the user account performing the task has exclusive posting rights for March 31. We run the report and use March 31 as the posting date for adjustments. We then get the first error reported in this thread.

    Have you tried changing the Allow Posting From: to 3/31/2006 instead of 4/1/2006?

    The Adjust Cost & Post to g\l reports are not automatically run.

    we did not want to change the G/L setup Allow-from to keep users from posting back into March. In the past we could use the G/L Setup to handle all users, and user set-up to give extended access to the prior month to the necessary users. Since the user running 795 has 3/31/06 rights, this used to be enough. is this no longer the case?

    Still, I am willing to try anything, so I will give this a shot in our test environment! Thanks.

    Further advice is welcome!
    kind of fell into this...
  • jversusjjversusj Member Posts: 489
    I tried Savatage's advice of expanding the G/L setup Allow-from Date to include 3/31/06 and I still get the "out of posting range" error.

    any other ideas? :(
    kind of fell into this...
  • colingbradleycolingbradley Member Posts: 162
    Check the dates in the Value Entries and Item Ledger Entries, you may have a date that is way out of the envelope.
    Experience is what you get when you hoped to get money
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