Creating New Base Translation File

MrWhoMrWho Member Posts: 59
I`ve been trying to follow the description in the UPGRADE TOOLKIT Manual (*.pdf) that came with Developers Toolkit 2.0 SP1 - From the section where it says Creating New Base Translation file and out through the chapters, but in some tables in Global Variables it replaces the name of the variables with the same name as the first variable.

Orginal before importing the translated file...
Name DataType Subtype Length
SalgsOppsett Record Salgsoppsett
FinOppsett Record Finansoppsett
FinKto Record Finanskonto
SalgHode Record Salgshode
SalgLinje Record Salgslinje
KundePost Record Kunde post

Example after the import
Name DataType Subtype Length
SalgsOppsett Record Sales & Receivables Setup
SalgsOppsett Record General Ledger Setup
SalgsOppsett Record G/L Account
SalgsOppsett Record Sales Header
SalgsOppsett Record Sales Line
SalgsOppsett Record Cust. Ledger Entry

This cause I`ve got a Norwegian 2.6 Financials that I`m going to upgrade too 4.00 SP1.

I have exportet the translation file from NO 4.0 SP1 used the getfld files from the multilanguage folder in the upgtk and imported the translatet file into Norwegian 2.6 Financials restored in NO 4.0 SP1 Client. .

Or should this be done in 2.6 Client? Using a English version of the 2.6?

A better guide telling me when to use which version and client would be nice I think..


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You need to prevent translations of variable names. Problem is that in this way you can do translation only for fields, object captions and may be buttons. But not for textconstants (did not exist in 2.60) and for variables (they had no ID in 2.60)...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • MrWhoMrWho Member Posts: 59
    OK, thank you.

    I have now exported the translate file from NO 4.0 SP1 used the GETFLD file and imported the target file from GETFLD into Nav 2.6 in 2.6 Client and compiled. It seemed to worked fine. Just like u said, fields, tables etc. but not "names" unfortunately, but even thought it will make the copy / paste C/AL Code in NDT much easier since the fields name at least are in english like they should.
  • mrQQmrQQ Member Posts: 239
    can anybody please explain me how he fixed this problem? :(
  • MrWhoMrWho Member Posts: 59
    This is the Scenario - Upgrading Norwegian 2.6 Financials too 4.0 SP1. This is cause the kernel of Navision versiones earlier then 3.01 wasn`t English.

    1) Open Navision 4.0 SP1 Database - "Tool --> Translate --> Export" (Saves as Nav400_Client.txt)

    2) Use the GETFLD on the exported Navision 4.0 SP1 file. In command prompt write: GETFLD Nav400_Client.txt Nav400_Names.txt

    3) Open your customers current database in the customers current version and import the Nav400_Names.txt file. "Tool --> Translate --> Import"

    4) Now you have to compile all objects and correct the ones that doesn`t compile. Mostly it`s reports tablename that haven`t been translated, this is a quick job to correct.

    The GETFLD files do you find in the multilanguage folder of the upgtk.

    Variable names as Kine described too, must not / and will not with this method be translated, but doing this first will make the merge process much easier. And also removing ID' s with the REMID tool as described in chapter 4.1 of the upgrade toolkit will ease the merge process.
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