I have a customer that uses various units of measure, Bale, KG, LB
Bale is the base unit of measure.
A KG is .02 of a bale
A LB is .009072 of a bale
They usually purchase in KG, but sell in LB, but I keep their inventory in Bales.
When they sell in LBs, rounding prevents me from either selling whole bale or selling more that a whole bale. Because the Bale is a Lot#, the exact rounding is an issue.
Does anyone know of a good way to handle the rounding to clean this up?
This may have been answered, but I can not seem to find it.
Beth Hagan
there are a few post about UOM - it's 12:30am so I'll try to help you find them tomorrow.
if there are any open entries you will not be able to change the UOM.
on occasions when we needed to make a change it was easier to create a new item number & transfer the merch to the new item number and go from there.
To save time, just write in the fraction directly into the field ( e.g. 22/40 or 5/12), Navision will convert this into a decimal value.
Phys. Inventory Worksheets are calculated in Base UOM, this has to be considered when counting the stock.
Edit reply is broke...
<EDIT> And works again!