Location Code on "Prod. Orders"-Form

trancutrancu Member Posts: 85
Hello Everybody,

our Navision doesn’t put the “Location Code” into the “Location Code”- column automatically on every “Prod. Orders” – Forms.
Does anybody know whether there is a standard setting to put it into its column automatically or not?
First I think that this field has to be on the Item-card. But I can’t find such a field on it.

thank you very much


  • themavethemave Member Posts: 1,058
    Not sure if this is it, but depending on your version of Navision, the location code default comes from the user setting that is creating the order. So if you are assigned to responsibility center, then the corresponding location code is filled in, if you are not assigned to a responsiblity center then it leaves it blank.

    In older versions, the similar setting is in the user setup screen, you can assign users to Sales, purchase and Inventory locations, then those defualt in many of the screens.

    A lot of times general staff is not assigned to a specific responsibility center because they work in navision in more then just one department. In this case they dont' get defaults assigned.
  • trancutrancu Member Posts: 85
    Thank you, themave!
    You are right.
  • ShenpenShenpen Member Posts: 386
    Also it comes from Sales Order or other source of demand if you use some kind of automatic PO generation. Generally, it is a good idea to generate PO from SO if the company is MTO, and from min/max inventory if it is MTS.

    Do It Yourself is they key. Standard code might work - your code surely works.
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