SmtpMail.NewMessage('','Subject of the mail'); SmtpMail.SetWorkMode(); SmtpMail.SetHost(''); SmtpMail.SetUserID(''); SmtpMail.AddLine('This is a test.'); SmtpMail.AddLine('The second line.'); SmtpMail.AddLine('Third line'); SmtpMail.AddAttachment('c:\test.txt'); SmtpMail.SetToAdress(''); SmtpMail.Send; IF NOT SmtpMail.WasSuccessful THEN MESSAGE(SmtpMail.LastError);
what is the meaning of this how can i fix this problem503 bad sequence of commands
any one ](*,)
I'm assuming that you are using the download for the SMTP Mail.
I use the following code
Where the followinf are
Name DataType Subtype Length
CompInfo Record Company Information
Mail OCX SmtpMailX Element
i Integer
Ok Boolean
You will also have to register you OCX Tools->Custom Controls Browse and find the SMTP.ocx.
Perhaps this helps. :-k