I've recently moved to a new company, where to my surprise, i've been asked to look after Navision. Having lots of Sys Admin experience and absolutley no finance background, i'm terrified!
Sadly, noone at the company knows how Navision works, only how to use it from a user level. Is there any good guides to get me up to speed? I've been reading the forums and it's answered a few of my questions:
1.) Can you hide options from the main menu from certain users (eg. Some people can only see the Inventory option)... No from what i've read.
2.) Can you hide old reports but not delete them in case they're needed at a later date? Again, no from what i've read.
Anyone got any advice?
You can remove the reports from the report-menu's. If someone asks for them you can re-enter them,
As reading you can start with the PDF files on your product CD.
g/l->setup->users-> "change the main menu # for the particular user"
each menu has a form #
removing reports from the report list doesn't delete the report. If this is what you need? Click the modify button at the bottom of each report menu (ie/Inventory...A/R...A/P...etc) you will see each reports# and just remove the report. YOu can always F3(insert) the report number again if you ever need it.
What I have done is simply resort the reports so the unused ones are on the bottom & out of the way.
Unless you're talking about filtering the list per user???
http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASI ... 35-2526322
but there was a previous release based on 3.70 too.
Thanks! Cool link 8)
Did you read the 3.70 version? Is it worth buyin?
I have got the german version here.
For any administrator new to Navision definitely yes. It covers the basic handling, some ERP-Background, table relations, Flowfields , table/form/report design and includes an introduction to programming in C/AL. Well written, with some screen shots and diagrams.
Thanx. I'll suggest ordering this book here.