While in the combo box of all reports I right click on a report, selected copy and immediately paste. The system stopped me and told me that I had no authorization to copy this report, which is fine.
When I click OK, the system actually created a report with the same ID, for instance 204. Then I clicked ESC and the original report 204 is now gone !!!
1. How can this happens ?
2. Can I recover deleted report ?
you tried to copy a report on a report that already existed and the system got rid of both and created a new blank report??????
His discription is accurate.
if you click and copy a report and paste it, before you leave the line you are on, you must give it a new number, or when you hit esc. both are gone.
The error message is "The report could not be pasted. Change the report and insert the record pr press Esc to cancel" the option button on the error dialog box is "OK" if you press ok, the record is inserted with the same report number. so while you are on the line you can see two report 204's for example, at this point you have to change the report number and the description and when you leave the line, you will have the new copied report with it's new number. If you press esc. here without changing the number, you will lose both reports.
the place you need to hit esc, is when the error dialog box is on the screen.
On occation when it happens to me, I have to import the report back from our test company.
If you want to make a copy of a report, you should open it in design, and use the 'save as' selection on the file menu. You will get a dialog box where you can enter a new number and name, and it will not screw anything up if you use either one with an existing value.
I know now that its better to do a save as while editing a report than a copy /paste.
I have now lost 8 hours of work but thats can happen sometimes. Still, I find it surprising that a software would not control this sequence more accurately and I would certainly qualify this as a bug.
Don't expect MS to make this work the way you want it to. If they do anything, they will disable that feature altogether.
In order to do that must use Log Explorer from Lumigent. I posted a short blog entry about it here
Justas Janauskas
How would SQL Server rollback the trasaction if the blob information would not be stored @ t-log?
Justas Janauskas
but if your recovery mode is "Full" then ALL transactions are loged in this log and t-log is not truncated. But this consumes lot of disk space.. and in if you want you can trace all the changes of table "Object"
Justas Janauskas