I'm new here. sorry for my ignorance.
I create new granule and need gen. journal line table to pass my data so it will automatically posting.
is it okay ? so far so good.....
May be I do not understand you, but of course, if you need to post something, you fill the journal line table and call posting routine to it... and you do not need temp table (course how to post from C/AL code was part of Solution Developer Exam).
Thank you.
I'm sorry, if you don't understand. I create granule and need to pass the record through gen. journal line table. Yes, i call posting routine, but before that, i create variable related to gen. journal line table and temporary properties set to yes. Because, if other user use the same batch then it will be posting.... So, you don't have to setrange the table to choose the right record...just pick the all record/s because it just the only record there.
You do not need to INSERT the record into the table... you need only fill it, without Batch Name and Template name and call the posting routine to it...
Thank you very much for your comment. Yes, i don't need to insert it, but if there are many records then you have to insert them right ? I need to filter batch and template.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
I'm sorry, if you don't understand. I create granule and need to pass the record through gen. journal line table. Yes, i call posting routine, but before that, i create variable related to gen. journal line table and temporary properties set to yes. Because, if other user use the same batch then it will be posting.... So, you don't have to setrange the table to choose the right record...just pick the all record/s because it just the only record there.
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Threre is an example in cu 80 and 90 with also a posting buffer.