There's one problem in our aged acounts receivable report recently. In this report all the data are correct except one cusomter's. The report shows there's credit of balance of $1,4440 in one customer's account, but in fact he owes us some money. I check the code and find everything is fine. Can anyone tell what the problem is? Thanks in advance!
Independent Consultant/Developer
ps. are you changing the date on the OPTIONS tab of the A/R aging report?
look at post date & due date's.
I assume you are positive this report is wrong...are any other customers wrong or just the 1?
posting date, due date and remaining amount
only show open enteries
Posting Date Remaining Amount Due Date
5/4/2005 0 6/3/2005
6/14/2005 0 7/14/2005
6/14/2005 0 6/14/2005
7/15/2005 0 7/15/2005
8/8/2005 0 9/7/2005
8/12/2005 0 9/11/2005
8/19/2005 0 9/18/2005
9/13/2005 12 10/13/2005
9/15/2005 0 9/15/2005
9/15/2005 0 9/15/2005
9/27/2005 0 10/27/2005
9/27/2005 0 9/27/2005
11/2/2005 0 11/2/2005
11/22/2005 795.45 12/22/2005
11/30/2005 845.15 12/30/2005
7/28/2007 0 8/27/2007
it is in a future period so it is being filtered out when you run your aging.
change your aging date to be 7/31/2007 and run the report, it should then show the same balance as the customer card.
To correct, you should post a reversing entry for the last item date 7/28/2007, and apply it to this entry,
then post an entry with the correct date.
This used to be an issue once in a while until we started limiting the Allowable posting dates to the current month only.
General Ledger->Setup->General Ledger Setup->Allow Posting From/To
We change it on every 1st of the month.
exactly, your report is running (for example) AS OF [a date] 11/30/2005
2007 hasn't happened yet so the report isn't even picking this entry up.
Do as THEMAVE says. If it's wrong, Post a reversing Journal entry using the same wrong dates (apply them together) to wipe out the problem entry and enter another journal entry with the correct dates.
**just a note & tip - remember by double clicking on the DUE DATE of a ledger entry you can change the date. The other dates posting, document you cannot change this way.
**And think about using the G/L setup Posting Date limitations.
Posting Date Document Type Amount Remaining Amount
5/4/2005 Invoice 1,387.28 0
6/14/2005 Invoice 931.82 0
6/14/2005 Payment -1,387.28 0
7/15/2005 Payment -931.82 0
7/28/2007 Invoice 2,966.00 0
8/8/2005 Invoice 881.82 0
8/12/2005 Invoice 9,205.46 0
8/19/2005 Invoice 1,738.94 0
9/13/2005 Invoice 12 12
9/15/2005 Credit Memo -90.87 0
9/15/2005 Payment -12,962.41 0
9/27/2005 Invoice 732.05 0
9/27/2005 Payment -1,738.94 0
11/2/2005 Payment -732.05 0
11/22/2005 Invoice 795.45 795.45
11/30/2005 Invoice 845.15 845.15
Is there any code to change the aged accounts receivable report?
5/4/2005 Invoice 1,387.28 1,387.28
6/14/2005 Invoice 931.82 2,319.10
6/14/2005 Payment (1,387.28) 931.82
7/15/2005 Payment (931.82) -
8/8/2005 Invoice 881.82 881.82
8/12/2005 Invoice 9,205.46 10,087.28
8/19/2005 Invoice 1,738.94 11,826.22
9/13/2005 Invoice 12.00 11,838.22
9/15/2005 Credit me (90.87) 11,747.35
9/15/2005 Payment (12,962.41) (1,215.06)
9/27/2005 Invoice 732.05 (483.01)
9/27/2005 Payment (1,738.94) (2,221.95)
11/2/2005 Payment (732.05) (2,954.00)
11/22/2005Invoice 795.45 (2,158.55)
11/30/2005Invoice 845.15 (1,313.40)
7/28/2007 Invoice 2,966.00 1,652.60
Here is what your aging should show at the given dates,
try running one right now, on the customer tab, enter just the customer number, and nothing else.
on the options tab, enter the "aged as of date" to be 12/31/07, see if your report shows a balance of 1652.60. then do the same thing for a few more of the dates, such as 11/30/05, your balance should be a credit of 1313.40...Some of the numbers you have given in the prior post make me think you might have some type of additional filter set on the customer tab of the aging report.
this is the way you should do it. We do it all the problems.
I don't know why it shows -11,xxx.xx. I don't know the date you were aging by or if you had filters on anything but the customer no.
That being said...There are two ways to reverse & re-enter this invoice.
1)the easiset way (if just getting the amount into the proper date) is create a journal entry reversing the data in error. And another journal entry putting it back with the correct dates.
7/28/2007 Invoice 2,966.00 (Orig)
7/28/2007 Credit 2,966.00 (Reverse)
7/28/2005 invoice 2,966.00 (Correction)
2)If accurate sales history is important to you, you must realize all the item ledger entries, value entries, etc have the wrong dates too. So you could go to Credit Memos->Copy Document and create an exact duplicate of that invoice. Post & reverse everything. Then go to Invoice->Copy document & do the same (just fix the dates before posting
this way you've completely wiped out the orig invoice by balancing it to zero. I don't know what version you're using but I know in the older versions that reversing a payment had to be done with adding ledger entries not simply deleteing the payment (which couldn't be done) It's a pretty common practice.
I was thinking that if there is one invoice with a bad date there are usually more. Think about looking at the Customer Ledger Entry Table & filter on anything >12/10/2005 and see if anything else comes up.
You don't want to UNDO what has been done. You want to create an entry that is the opposite.
(By your reply above - I'm assuming you don't want or need to create a Credit memo by using the Copy Document function in Sales & Receivables)
for example?
Sales & Receivables ->Sales Journals
Batch name - Default (is fine) * if you want to understand Batch names we can go into that later
Post date-> xx/xx/2007 (the date of the wrong entry)
Doc Date-> xx/xx/2007 (the date of the wrong entry)
Doc Type-> Credit Memo
Doc No.-> ?????? (can be the same as the wrong an X or something.
Account Type: Customer
Account No.: Customer Number
Description: You can enter a brief description here about "this entry is being corrected , etc etc"
Amount: enter the amount here
Bal Account type: g\l account
Bal Account: your sales g/l account #
i don;t know if that 2007 entry is "open" - if it is you can use the Applies-to fields to link this credit to that invoice.
To create the correcting Invoice is basically the same except your changing document type to Invoice.
*Batch names can be used to save some time.
For example (In A/P) I can Create A batch Name called "TELEPHONE" where i can set the balance account there to "Telephone"
Now when I get a Bill from
I can use that batch and just enter the amounts because I have already set the balance account when creating the new batch
Batch Names can also be used for Individual people by using the users name. I guess there are a bunch of A/R we have ones called CASH, BOUNCED CHECKS, etc where we do these kinds of transactions in those batches. Note but they all could be done in 1 batch if we wanted to.
you always enter a note in the customers' comments.
as stated below you should create 2 journal entries.
I only mentioned the date, type & amount because you didn't provide the Doc Date & Doc No.
Note in the ledger entries there is a field called "Open" you may or may not have it showing. if it has a check mark it is "Open"
You should read up using the Navision ONLINE HELP for many topics you might be looking into. It should have a section on creating Journal Entries.
Last time you menion to me the sales history. Here is what you wrote last time. "2)If accurate sales history is important to you, you must realize all the item ledger entries, value entries, etc have the wrong dates too. So you could go to Credit Memos->Copy Document and create an exact duplicate of that invoice. Post & reverse everything. Then go to Invoice->Copy document & do the same (just fix the dates before posting )" I tried to do this as you said, nothig is there in the credit memos, so I can't copy anything. Thanks!
I am assuming that the 2007 entry was created from an ORDER that was just invoiced with the wrong date.
1)You go into Credit Memo's
2)F3 to get a new Credit Memo Number
3)at the bottom->Functions->Copy Document
4)Document Type->Posted Invoice
5)Document No.->The 2007 Invoice's Number
6)Include header->YES
7)Hit OK
This will Create a copy of the 2007(incorrect) invoice as a credit memo.
Hit F9 to check that the totals all match. Look at the posting date make sure it still had xx/xx/2007 as the date. Post it. It will create an opposite entry.
Then do the same steps as above (2 thru 7)in the Invoice area of Sales & receivables except changing the dates to 2005 , post & you're done.
now you can test this to see if you got the steps down - just don't do the POST part.
As mentioned above, it will not get rid of the entries but for example
so it's basically a wash.