We have just upgraded our Navision Client to 4.0SP1 in the hopes to fix the
following problem. Navision Menu Suite Spans Accross Entire Window, this was
an issue with our old client 3.70. It seems to be related to the Fin.Zup file
which is local to the users workstation. The only why to fix this issue would
be to rename the Fin.Zup then re connect to the database.
Any solutions? this is becoming very annoying
In 3.70 there was no menusuite, so expanding to the entire screen is not possible :?
This bug is not yet reported on Mibuso with SP1.
Should I congratulate you as being no. 1
Removing the zupfile is the only solution,
Unfortunately this does not work
And the menusuite cannot be compared to the menu of 3.70
I thought the bug was solved in SP1. If it is not you should report to your NSC/MS.
Search the forum for more info;s about the pane.
then delete the zup. close the client, which will create new zup, delete the new zup, restore old zup and restart client.
since the zup setting are not saved until you close the client the full screen menu setting should not have been saved in the original zup, since it was moved and deleted before closing the client.
Just and idea, and I can't test since I haven't had the full screen navigation pane bug hit yet.