HI 'ya all!
We're trying to implement the e-mail logging in Navision, are able to synchronize mails with outlook manually (Salesperson Card -> Functions -> Synchronize with Outlook).
But if we want the navision application server to do the work we cannot get any furhter.
Application server ist installed properly and also starts with the maillog parameter (we can also see in the system log that it starts properly). But it just does nothing. We read through the white paper and it suggested us to examine codeunit "5064 e-mail logging".
When we start this codeunit manually we get the following error message:
"The call to member sender failed. Collaboration Data Objects returned the following message: Collaboration Data Objects - MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND(8004010F).
We also examined the code, that will be executed if we synchronized manually and there the codeunit 5064 was never started.
May anybody can help us out ](*,)
Many thanks in advance
and best wishes from austria
Thomas Buchholz
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz
http://www.ekey.net 0
The response you mentioned indicates that outlook is not installed (so CDO is not installed). You should install outlook, even if it is on the app.server. The settings of e-mail logging in CRM should be defined on de machine (so the appserver) where you are running the codeunit 5064, so that you get the right names for the queues and the right profile name for this machine. If that shouldn't help, please trace the codeunit by the debugger and pass the info where you get the error.
Thanks for the fast reply. I haven't mentioned in my post, but Outlook 2003 is correctlx installed (with Collaboration Data Objects and also in the right version 1.21). So this cannot be the problem.
I have stepped through "Codeunit 5064 E-Mail Logging" and the error occurs at the following point.
Codeunit 5064 E-Mail-Logging -> IdenticalItemInStorage(...)
line of code: SenderVariant := CDOQueueMessage.Sender;
I cannot step any furhter or deeper, beause the error comes from the cdo.dll directly and I got no idea what is going wrong. :-k
Many greetings and best wishes from Austria.
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz
web: http://www.ekey.net
I did read your comments. Can you look into the queue folder (with outlook or so) and see that every message in the queue has a sender address. I think that the code will not function if there is no sender in the message. I've seen such mails in the past with no sender at all. Perhaps you can filter out those mails by exchange.
The current code is:
SenderVariant := CDOQueueMessage.Sender;
CDOStorageMessageFilter.Sender := CDOQueueMessage.Sender;
IF FORMAT(CDOQueueMessage.Subject) <> '' THEN
CDOStorageMessageFilter.Subject := CDOQueueMessage.Subject;
Like you can see, the sender is caught into a variabel (type=variant), but for instance the subject is handled in another way. you might perhaps change the code to:
sendtext variabel text 100
sendtext := FORMAT(CDOQueueMessage.Sender);
IF sendtext <> '' THEN
CDOStorageMessageFilter.Sender := CDOQueueMessage.Sender;
You can also watch the variabel sendtext in the debugger.
We have tried your suggestion, but did not come any closer, even if we found out some new things:
When we manually start the codeunit 5065 (dispatcher), or just 5064 Logging, exerything works fine (mails get imported). But if we want the NAS to do the job, we get the error-message mentioned in the top post.
The NAS (now for testing purposes) is running on the same machine where we were trying the manual import (calling 5064 manually).
The NAS is using the same code, so why it gets an error while we don't when starting it manually?
Any ideas?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
many thanks in advance
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz
web: http://www.ekey.net
NAS is just an unattended client session. For email logging, the user must have a valid profile set up on the machine. The reason that it is running right when you run the codeunit directly is because you are running the codeunit from your machine, which probably has a valid Outlook profile on it.
That did it and solved my problem.
Many, many thanks, yuo really helped me out.
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz
web: http://www.ekey.net
Could you put [SOLVED] in the subject?
What do you mean by "Could you put [SOLVED] in the subject?"?
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz
web: http://www.ekey.net
The nice thing about this is that when people are searching for answers using the search function and they get 400 returns, they can look at the ones that they know have an answer in them by looking at the [SOLVED] ones first. Saves time you know
ekey biometric systems GmbH
4031 Linz
web: http://www.ekey.net