Hi All,
Is it possible that you could share some of your valuable experience and enlighten us on something ?
We are looking at integrating Navision with a mapping software package available locally (Channel Islands) called Address Locator. I've spoken to their programmer who wrote it (using VB6) and he says he has written it with a view to using DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) to communicate with it. We have little or no experience with DDE and we are therefore finding it difficult to even begin to think how or even if Navision can work with this.
The simple scenario we are trying to work with is to have a button on a card which when pressed passes a parameter to the Address Locator and that in turn shows the corresponding location on a map. Similarly, we would be like to be within the Address Locator and from a particular location on a map send something to Navision to position a record within Navision to the corresponding location.
What we would like to know is:-
Have you any experience of trying to use DDE with Navision ?
Can you suggest any alternatives we could explore to achieve this ?
Any information you could share with us would be great.
Many thanks in advance
But if you will have problems with using DDE directly from Navision, you can still create your own Automation which will do it for you with some interface to Navision...
I created some Automation for InfoMapa product (Czech and Slovak Republic map, address search etc.) from PJSoft company.
MVP - Dynamics NAV