
Recently converted from Proprietary DB to SQL DB

davisjdavisj Member Posts: 38
edited 2005-11-30 in Navision Financials
We recently converted our 2.60f database from proprietary navision (50 GB) to SQL Server 2000. Our end users in areas that are more transaction intensive (for example: Manufacturing-BOM Certification, Inventory-Item Journal Posting & Manufacturing-Releasing Production Orders from Sales Orders) are experiencing slower response times than they were in the proprietary database. The troubling part is that our server's CPU utilization averages out at about 17%.

Does anyone have tips regarding SQL Server setup optimization that might help utilize more of our server resources?


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    kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    You need to watch memory status and HDD performance (write queue length etc.) If CPU is Idle, something other is the bottleneck.

    There are many tips on this forum. Base is the Performance Troubleshooting Guide from MBS tools CD.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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    TimSmithTimSmith Member Posts: 36
    I spent the best part of a year troubleshooting performance of an SQL database at V3.10a. Navision has got much better at later versions, as with later versions of SQL.

    As well as the hardware issues......and the key is going to be memory and disk arms. There are a number of potential issues with the application.

    The design of keys and the use of the SIFT technology will need to be looked at for key tables, you may also find that there is an element of table locking going on. This might be relevant as the CPU usage is so light. If there is a large degree of bespoke work, this may need optimising for SQL. Keys, commits and record/table locking.

    We migrated from 3.10 to 3.60 very quickly....then ran 3.60 with a 3.70 client. This helped but it wasn't the hoped for panacea. The optimisation of keys and code was probably more crucial.

    Best of luck....i know that it can be a long haul. :)
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    davisjdavisj Member Posts: 38
    Thanks for the suggestions...

    1) Do you know where I can get the MBS Tools CD to look at the Performance Troubleshooting Guide?

    2) I found that our SQL Server instance doesn't have awe enabled (we are 2k3 with 8GB RAM) so I am going to enable this and see if it helps any.
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