manufactoring / Ending Date-Time

trancutrancu Member Posts: 85
Hello everybody,

sorry for my bad English. :oops:
But I have 2 questions about Dates. :?:
(We use Navision 4.0)

my Ending Date-Time is also the Due Date on my Prod. Orders.
I thing that the Ending Date-Time is a day bevor on standard, isn't it?
If it is, plz tell me how I can change my navision configuration.

How can I get the my "Planned Shipment Date" correct, if I have to consider our Manufactoring?

thanks a lot for many good answers!


  • HalMdyHalMdy Member Posts: 429
    1. Theorically, EndDate = DueDate , yes ...

    But DueDate = "Need Date" - 1D where "Need Date" is the date when the Item is mandatory for shipping or consumation.

    Hope that help ...
  • RongritRongrit Member Posts: 14
    1. Ending Date = Due Date - Safety Lead Time (Production Order)
    You can set safety lead time at Manufacturing Setup -> Planning Tab -> Default Safety Lead Time.
    If your items have diferrenct safety lead time, you can specific safety lead time for each item at Item Card -> Planning Tab -> Safety Lead Time.
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