VAT Posting Group Problem?

royzhroyzh Member Posts: 30
When I create a salse order, input the item, it apears:

The VAT Posting Setup does not exit.
Identification fields and values:
VAT Bus.Posting Group=",VAT Prod. Posting Group="

But infact, all posting groups had been setup already.
Why it heppen?


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262
    Have you checked the values of the VAT fields on your saleslines? They should be populated...
  • royzhroyzh Member Posts: 30
    Have you checked the values of the VAT fields on your saleslines? They should be populated...

    Before I can fill the VAT fields in sales line, I have to fill the Item No. first.
    The warning is at this moment. So I can't go on.
  • jfreyjfrey Member Posts: 43
    Did you check also the VAT Group behind the Customer for sales order and the item you want to use? You need both.
    Navision 3.70, SQL Server 2000, Citrix Metaframe
  • royzhroyzh Member Posts: 30
    jfrey wrote:
    Did you check also the VAT Group behind the Customer for sales order and the item you want to use? You need both.

    Yes, infact, all the VAT posting Groups exist, the one for Customer, Inventory, Item ...

    The program stoped here(The line whie a *):

    VAT Prod. Posting Group - OnValidate()
    // NAVIN
    * VATPostingSetup.GET("VAT Bus. Posting Group","VAT Prod. Posting Group");
    "VAT Difference" := 0;
    "VAT %" := VATPostingSetup."VAT %";
    "VAT Calculation Type" := VATPostingSetup."VAT Calculation Type";
    "VAT Identifier" := VATPostingSetup."VAT Identifier";
    CASE "VAT Calculation Type" OF
    "VAT Calculation Type"::"Reverse Charge VAT",
    "VAT Calculation Type"::"Sales Tax":
    "VAT %" := 0;
    "VAT Calculation Type"::"Full VAT":
    TESTFIELD(Type,Type::"G/L Account");
    VATPostingSetup.TESTFIELD("Sales VAT Account");
    TESTFIELD("No.",VATPostingSetup."Sales VAT Account");
    IF SalesHeader."Prices Including VAT" AND (Type IN [Type::Item,Type::Resource]) THEN
    "Unit Price" :=
    "Unit Price" * (100 + "VAT %") / (100 + xRec."VAT %"),
    Currency."Unit-Amount Rounding Precision");

    // NAVIN
  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    Maybe it's an older invoice (before everything was setup correctly). Revalidate all fields and check with ctrl-f8 if all fields are filled in.
  • royzhroyzh Member Posts: 30
    I just inserted a line in the :
    General Ledger - Setup - Setup Checklist
    - VAT Posting Setup, with data:

    VAT % :0
    VAT Calculation Type: Normal VAT

    So the problem solved. It's very strange.

    The VAT setup in the Setup Checklist is not the same table with
    The VAT posting setup in the General Ledger, Why?
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