
balvesbalves Member Posts: 5

I´m need create a cube whith de following requirements:

Fact Tabel : Sales Line

Measures : Amount

Dimensions: Customer No. ; Customer Name ; Customer Address ; Customer Phone and finally the Post Code.

The problem is than when I´m run the configurator and when the configurator is Updating Data Mart appears de error : "Package faild because Step'DTSStep_DTSTask_QualityCheck.TARGITQualityCheck_1' failed" :shock: .

But if I remove the dimension Post Code, the configurator do not send the error and finishes successfully. what it could be :-k ?

Some of you can help me?



  • Iqbal_FebrianoIqbal_Febriano Member Posts: 66
    Maybe on your fact table (sales line) exist a record where the post code field is empty (null value)
    Be fast, be straight, be quiet
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